
Body is a Temple Logo with text underneath reading: "About Body is a Temple"

Body is a Temple is your strength, motivation, and a source for recipes in times of fasting.

Growing up, I would seek out answers to all my weight and food-related issues elsewhere, when in fact all the tools left to us by the Holy Fathers and the church are still as effective since the beginning.

Rather, it’s our understanding of how to use this tool that is lacking and the environment around us which has changed; making the traditional fast appear less effective.

It is this view that has pushed me to make this webpage, to proclaim what God worked in me.

While it helps with my food-related issues, it is not the goal of fasting. Rather fasting is a tool to fight pride.

The first rule given to humans by God was the rule to fast. So when Adam and Eve embraced pride and broke this rule became disobedient. When we fast we practice obedience in the hopes to overcome pride.

To fast you need guidance, and the best resource is a spiritual father. Body is a Temple is your assistant to the observing of fasting.

You will see recipes:

  • From local churches trying to feed the whole family and parish
  • Categorized to fast types
  • (Mostly) made with whole ingredients to fuel and strengthen the body
  • From cuisines of Orthodox countries, as well as others
  • That are plant-based or vegan — in simple terms for those outside the church (check the link below for more information)

Where to go from here:

Find out more about how to fast